February 11, 2012

International Wi-Fi Challenge Announced!

Last year, some of you may have participated in the Autumn Friendly Tournament that took place over Wi-Fi, which came after a similar tournament in Japan. A third tournament has been announced, but with two main differences: all Pokémon that are allowed in random Wi-Fi battles are eligible (not just those from Unova like last time), and all countries will be participating together, so you’ll be seeing some Japanese players as well. For those of you who are also interested in the VGC tournament, note that this will use the same rules, so take it as a good opportunity for some practice.

Registration will begin at 16:00 UTC on March 14, and the tournament will start exactly one week later on March 21. Currently, there will be 50,000 spots, with 25,000 for Japan and 25,000 for everyone else, but they may expand that number based on popularity like they did with the previous tournament. Still, sign up early if you want to be sure to get a spot!

We’ll be updating with more information about the tournament as it becomes available, and expect a post with teambuilding suggestions, a list of major threats, and other battling help similar to this before too long as well.

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