Following from Saturday's reveal of the Extremespeed Pikachu in the new Kyushu Bullet Train, the full details of the event have been announced. Firstly, from March 1st 2012 to May 6th 2012, you'll be able to receieve the Extremespeed Pikachu from the trains in Kyushu. This Pikachu is female, Level 50 and knows the moves Extremespeed, Thunderbolt, Grass Knot and Brick Break
Next, there are some special promotions to tie in with Kyushu being similar to Hoenn. These distributions are in the stations throughout the Kyushu region of Japan. In them, during each period, you will be able to get one of three possible Pokémon. At the moment, only one of each of the three promotions is known. First, from March 17th 2012 to April 1st 2012, you will receive one of three Pokémon, including Sceptile. Next, from April 2nd 2012 to April 22nd 2012, you will receive one of three Pokémon, including Milotic and finally, from April 23rd to May 6th, you will receive one of three Pokémon including Metagross. You can go to other stations at the time and receive the other Pokémon
Finally, you can receive a Groudon and a Kyogre at Level 80 in the Pokémon Centre in Fukouka. The distribution of Groudon runs from March 17th 2012 to April 15th 2012 while the distribution of Kyogre runs from April 16th 2012 to May 6th 2012. You cannot receive this Pokémon if you chose to receive the Extrmespeed Pikachu and you can only receive Groudon OR Kyogre, and not both. We'll bring more details on these as they come
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